New York State History
This site aims to build a collection of information on all of New York, that is New York State from Niagara Falls at one end to New York City and its taxi cabs at the other, and everywhere in between.
The information here is mostly historical, for general interest, nostalgia and research but there is some contemporary information that is relevant to today.
Usually when people speak of New York they mean New York City, in fact the two are so often mixed up that folks will say, when referring to places outside of New York City, “Upstate” to differentiate between New York State and New York City, especially those who live in NYC. By contrast New York City is often placed in an area known as “Downstate”.
This site makes no bold claims at gathering all the information available on either NYC or Upstate New York, but endeavors to add interesting content regarding all of New York. Having said that, there may be a little more information about New York City as 20% of New York’s population resides in New York City, but New York’s other towns and cities will be sure to get more than simply a passing mention eventually.